Top 15 best skate tricks
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Bellow are the top 15 best Skate tricks of all time

This features for skateboarding and rollerblading, it shows pictures of them and how it is done

nose Manual

A manuel with the front of your board


Diffaculty Level:60%


A one footed ollie


Diffaculty level: 30%

Lofty grind

To grind on the griptape side of you skateboard


Diffaculty level:50%


A melon is to hold the side of the skateboard and pull it to the side


Diffaculty Level: 10%

Christ air

A christ air is where you jump up and hold your board in one hand, then land it.


Diffaculty level: 99.5%

Triple Kick Flip

This trick is basicly a Kick flip three times in one air


Diffaculty Level: 75%

360 Flip

This trick is cool and hard SHIT to do, you do a Mc Twist in a 360 twist


Diffaculty Level: 95%

The split

On roller blades do a semi-split as can be seen on the picture


Diffaculty level: 60%

Soul Skater

This trick is done by the rollerblader grinding down a  pipe with a nose grind of one foot.


Diffacilty Level: 90%

Mc Twist

This trick is done by the skater going up a quarter pipe and doing a full 360 Diagonal twist ( twisting up and sideways at the same time)


Diffaculty level: 70%