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The winner this time is RUNE SCAPE


Other Games
3D pool

This game rocks, a bit hard but if you love pool, play this!


If you like adventure games, with bats, sword, trolls, devils ect.. PLAY THIS

Rock starter

This game rocks, choose your band and there background, name everything!

IIlumia RPG

This game is great fun, its long, chalenging, adventuring all the qualities of a real consol game, and it would be in the top 10, BUT... the controls are TERRIBLE!

Top ten best arcade games
10. Kill bill game

This game may be in another language, but it is damb fun killing the crazy 88's

9. matrix: bullet time

This game rulez, it is another fighting game, you can shoot people in slow-mo and also hand-to-hand combat!

8. Robot Rampage

This niffty little number is a nice game, you design your robot and then... fight


7. bush royal rampage

This game defanatly worth its top number, it is so fun... KILL, KILL, KILL

6. bush shoot out

this game rocks, you can shoot alot of people

5. 3foot ninja 2

This game is challenging but fun

3. War on Terrorism

This game allows you to bash binlarden


2. War on Terrorism II

This is an awsome sequal to the above

1. Rune scape

This game rocks, creat your soldier, meet other people, go up i nlevels and go to WAR!